Blueberry 'Northcountry'
Vaccinium corymbosum x angustifolium
0.75 m       0.8 m      Hardiness zone 3   

The blueberry ‘Northcountry’ (Vaccinium corymbosum x angustifolium) is a mid-height, dwarf shrub that produces early, small, dark blueberries that are sweeter than average. It forms dense, compact borders and displays fiery fall foliage, making it an excellent candidate for container growing. The blueberry ‘Northcountry’ is not self-fertile and requires cross-pollination.

As acid-loving plants, they thrive in acidic (pH 4 to 5.3), organic soil. You can recreate their natural bog habitat by mixing pure sphagnum moss into the existing soil. Although blueberries are drought-tolerant, their shallow roots need constant moisture to produce plump, juicy berries, so don’t forget to add organic mulch. Pine mulch, in this case, is particularly beneficial. Good drainage is essential.

You’ll enjoy a first harvest the year after planting, with production continuing for 20 to 30 years when older, less productive wood is pruned at the end of winter. Pair early, mid-season, and late varieties to extend your harvest from early to late summer. A staple in edible bog landscapes.

Format: 2G/BIO

3 in stock

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