Columnar apple tree 'Tasty Red' / M106 (Urban Series)
Malus domestica
3 m       0,8 m      Hardiness zone 4   

The columnar apple tree ‘Tasty Red’ (Malus domestica) offers an exceptionally crisp apple with a bright, fire-engine red skin. It’s perfect for artistic tarts and refreshing in taste, quenching your thirst with its classic apple flavor.

This cultivar is highly resistant to scab and most other diseases, eliminating the need for excessive watering. Like most columnar apple and crabapple trees, ‘Tasty Red’ produces fruit as early as the year after planting, and its compact growth allows it to fit in nearly any space—even in a pot on a sunny balcony.

For a fruiting hedge that offers more than just privacy, alternate between varieties with about one meter between each tree. The columnar apple tree ‘Tasty Red’ is part of the “Urban Series“, and all varieties in this series bloom in mid-season and pollinate well with each other.

Format: 5/7 gallons (80 cm)

2 in stock

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