Covered with long, sharp thorns that can reach up to 10 cm, even on its trunk, the honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) is the ideal candidate to prevent any intrusion into your garden, creating an impenetrable hedge. It can grow in the poorest soils.
Belonging to the legume family (Fabaceae), the honey locust produces long-hanging decorative pods, with pulp surrounding the seeds that is crispy and very sweet. Roasted seeds serve as a coffee substitute. Its finely divided leaves turn pale yellow in the fall, shedding and seamlessly integrating into the soil. Their fall supports the soil’s microbial activity as well as your gardening efforts. The light shade it casts is not overly restrictive.
Capable of living for 150 years, it tolerates pollution, prefers light, well-drained soils, and is drought-tolerant while surviving brief flooding.
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