Indigo bush
Amorpha fruticosa
4 m       3 m      Hardiness zone 4   

Like bamboo, the Asian utility miracle of the plant world, the false indigo bush (Amorpha fructicosa) produces rather vertical and straight stems that quickly form a rigid wood, used to shade arches, or to build all sorts of objects: trellises, stakes, small-diameter posts, tools, rustic coverings, etc. You can select the most interesting stems for your creations, and even cut them back if necessary. The regrowth will be regular. When it reseeds, it can be invasive, quickly casting a persistent anchor.

Butterflies dart all along its flowers that soar in aerial foliage, composed of small leaflets loaded with nutrients and minerals that return to the soil after being adorned with an autumn yellow.

False indigo bush is more utilitarian than edible, although it is appreciated by farm animals and very digestible for your green mulch bed. It is a sustainable material provider. Nitrogen fixer.

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