Japanese dogwood
Cornus kousa
6 m       6 m      Hardiness zone 5   

Originating from the mountains of Asia, the Japanese dogwood (Cornus kousa), a compact and graceful small tree, tolerates the cold, but its exploration north of Montreal’s suburban outskirts will be an exotic yet risky endeavor. Preferring humidity, it grows well in well-drained clay soils. Its growth is slow, but it has no sensitivity to diseases. It’s one of the trees valued for its ability to fruit even with limited light.

The illumination comes from its flowers, which transform into edible red balls resembling miniature Chinese lanterns. As fruit harvesting begins in the fall, the leaves join the celebration, turning from dark green to fiery orange-red. The skin of the fruit is tough, and it only requires piercing with the tip of your teeth to suck out a rather soft pulp, especially appreciated for its custard-like texture. The Japanese dogwood is self-pollinating.

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