Pear tree 'Luscious'
Pyrus communis
5 m       5 m      Hardiness zone 4   

Pear trees (Pyrus communis) are generally easier to grow than other commercial fruits and are a good choice for heavy clay soils. The pear tree ‘Luscious’ may have a possible sensitivity to bacterial fire blight. Its fruit is harvested mid-season.

The pears are medium-sized, yellow with a pink blush, and are appreciated fresh, juicy, and sweet right after harvest. Their firmness is sought after for cooking, especially in making tarts. It is a prolific variety with good storage potential.

The pear tree ‘Luscious’ is also a particularly ornamental tree, with darker green, glossy foliage that turns purple in the fall.

Format: 5G (125-150cm)/BIO

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