Velvet sumac 'Tiger Eyes'
Rhus typhina
The velvet sumac ‘Tiger Eyes’ (Rhus typhina) is a dwarf varietal selection, beautifully textured that colors in a crescendo that amazes from the first flush of spring, chartreuse green on pink stems. Then the finely divided leaves, drooping in vertical downy branches, light up with yellow and gold tones, in a warm and autumnal finale with a thousand tiger tones of yellow, orange, red and purple. Tolerant of urban conditions, any type of soil is suitable, provided that it drains well.
The velvet sumac ‘Tiger Eyes’ suckers slowly, but not aggressively like wild species of staghorn sumac. Do not hesitate to maintain its exotic appearance of a small multi-trunk tree by simply pruning the suckers once a year.
Format: 2G/BIO
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