Cranberrybush 'Redwing'
Viburnum trilobum
2.5 m       2 m      Hardiness zone 2   

The new leaves of the cranberrybush ‘Redwing’ (Viburnum trilobum) take flight with reddish hues in the spring, then burst into flames in the fall. A more colorful variety, but no less fruity. Remarkable in all seasons, adorned with white flowers with inviting details, then adorned with radiantly colored fruits, juicy and sweet after the frosts until February, before the waxwings pass by in flocks and feast on the alcoholic fruits to celebrate their return. A bit like the pomegranate, you are free to bite into their tender and nutritious core, or to extract a fuchsia-red jelly with a penetrating smell… but whose flavor we tame before praising it. “American cranberry bush” in English, its tangy flavor and appearance bring it closer to the cranberry. It has nothing to envy it as it is full of vitamins and antioxidants.

The cranberrybush ‘Redwing’ is however easier to introduce into landscaping, requiring no winter protection, interesting in a suckering hedge, of appreciable density and better tolerating dry soils than the family. Replaces: pomegranate, cranberry, pineapple, orange, lemon, candied fruits… Pairing: pork, aged blue or cheddar cheese, nuts, ice cream, dark chocolate. Native.

Format: 2G

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