Green alder / Poivre des dunes
Alnus viridis spp. crispa
3 m       2 m      Hardiness zone 1   

The green alder (Alnus viridis spp. crispa) stabilizes banks, ensuring vigorous and suckering growth, tolerating flooding. Although it colonizes heavy, soggy and cold soils, crispy alder adapts to poor, acidic and dry soil, using nitrogen from the air. Extreme arctic native!

Dune pepper pairs well with savory dishes to enhance with a lemony peppery fir aroma tourtières, marinades and potatoes, homemade beers, and boreal liqueurs with aperitif and digestive properties. It has no equal to give that wild game taste to your shredded tofu. However, it is extraordinary for dessert, where its bitterness is lost in the sweetness of strawberries, raspberries in birch syrup, maple creams, brandy and “fancy” pastries.


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