Among the varieties tested in Quebec, we bet on the peach ‘Reliance’ (Prunus persica), the most reliable. Residents of southern Canada, as well as some daring Montrealers, have enjoyed various successes since the 1960s, taking advantage of urban heat islands. However, there is no guarantee that a harsh winter won’t compromise its survival, especially its pinkish bloom, which may be affected by a late frost that can only be prevented by placing the small peach ‘Reliance’ in a wind-sheltered area.
The fruit, with its yellow, juicy, and melting flesh, turns red on the sun-exposed side against a backdrop of gold and green, transporting you to Jamaica. Of medium size, it easily separates from the pit and emits the characteristic sweet, fragrant aroma of a ripe peach, bringing you both joy and pride. It also shows some resistance to peach leaf curl.
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