Plantain lily ‘Dancing Queen’
Hosta sp.
0,5 m       0,8 m      Hardiness zone 3   

The plantain lily ‘Dancing Queen’ (Hosta sp.) offers dancing foliage, undulating like a lemon pie crust, bright yellow, in shades of ripening lemon, refreshing. Lavender flowers. A sure bet when light is lacking, with its bright flowers with a delicate taste.

This variety remains very yellow throughout the season, unlike other yellow hostas especially in spring, rather chartreuse thereafter. The young shoot of plantain lily ‘Dancing Queen’ is harvested early, still firmly rolled when it points like asparagus. It is eaten like an unusual vegetable, very gently after cooking. The flower stalk is also eaten like asparagus. The blooming flower brings a floral sweetness to cooking.

Omnipresent in the horticultural landscape, hostas are edible plants already contributing to a certain food security. Their sweetness and tenderness can attract deer.

Format: 2G/BIO

5 in stock

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