Shagbark hickory
Carya ovata
25 m       17 m      Hardiness zone 4   

The shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) produces sweet and aromatic nuts, which are somewhat equivalent to pecans but smaller (3 to 5 cm and can fall from great heights in the fall), yet more resilient and just as delicious. Native to the Saint Lawrence Valley, it grows slowly, even in the shade, and can live for a very long time, withstanding droughts.

The shagbark hickory is highly valued in landscaping for its expressive bark, its edible nuts with a distinct character, its golden autumn foliage, and the durability of its wood. However, it does not tolerate salt or pollution well.

Nut production requires planting multiple specimens for cross-pollination.

Format: 1G (20cm)/BIO

3 in stock

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