The Siberian peashrub (Caragana arborescens) can be planted in almost any type of soil. Also called Siberian pea, hardy and comfortable in dry or wet soil, it constitutes a thorny and defensive windbreak hedge that can withstand storms threatening your mini-orchard. A nitrogen fixer, it is a good companion for greedy plants that need to be sheltered from the wind for their pollination, such as squash or strawberries. The Siberian peashrub stabilizes soils prone to erosion, even poor ones. It is home to the nesting of many birds including the hummingbird.
Its flowers have earned it the name of yellow acacia. Producing a fruity honey that ranks among the best, the flowers are large and have a vegetable taste of all-purpose green peas. They quickly fill a basket. Afterwards, provided that flowers have been left, come the peas, the re-sowing of which creates a potential invasion. This is a great reason to pick as many as you can, which can be eaten grilled or cooked in other ways, with herbs or spices. Easily shelled once dried, they can green up your winter with nutritious pea shoots. Chickens and other rural or urban farm animals love to eat the pods and peas, which are rich in sugars, fats, and contain about 36% protein.