Sium sisarum
1,5 m       0,6 m      Hardiness zone 4   

A relative of the carrot both botanically and culinary-wise, the skirret (Sium sisarum), this large herbaceous plant, offers us a hint of sweet hazelnut and the color of parsnip. Similar to dill umbels, the slightly stiff but carrot-scented flowers can macerate in all sorts of good broths, marinades, and lactofermentations.

The white umbels of all sizes seem inexhaustible from one summer month to the next. This backdrop on which the virtuosos of aerobatics, hoverflies, bees, ladybugs, and butterflies pose their artistic paws, will show you all the colors.

This nectariferous flowering is certainly attractive to a range of beneficial insects, but after a while, it is better to prune the skirret before it bends under the weight of its seeds which could reseed and cause problems given that its root quickly digs deep, almost as persistent as a dandelion. Adapts to different types of drained soils.

It is slow to germinate and the root tap is sensitive to transplanting. For container vegetable gardens, its need for deep rooting may be harmful. This vertical rooting complicates its cultivation in pots, which is why it is available to order.

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